
We combine incredible service with leading edge advertising technology to sell better while continually breaking sale records!


We’ve built our reputation on providing unforgettable services to our sellers. We help prepare and promote properties in ways that few in the industry can match and our results and our client testimonials are a testament to our achievements. When you work with us we’ve got your back! Be sure to download our FREE Seller's Guide.

Educate yourself! Download my Seller's Guide

See exactly how we get more for our clients and take care of everything throughout the selling process. When it comes to selling real estate, the numbers don’t lie. When you combine our preparation services with our advertising expertise it leads to exceptional results. We have sold properties in virtually every neighbourhood and price range in Toronto around the GTA and have set dozens of pricing records along the way.

Our Selling Process and Services

From simple decluttering and accessorizing to full on furniture replacement and contracting work...we help our clients prepare their home so that they can maximize their return. It's not hard to tell when you see a @homesbysteven property...they are the ones that you want yours to look like.

Photos and video are critical to generating exposure for your property and greatly impact the effectiveness of our online ads. We utilize every medium including photos, 360 virtual tours, videos, drone footage and more.

We believe that every piece of promotional material is a reflection of your property and deserves to be beautiful. We also believe that stunning brochures, emails and ads are a direct reflection of our attention to quality and detail.

We don't simply rely on when we sell properties. We are online advertising experts and we get your property in front of tens of thousands of qualified buyers using the latest advertising technologies. We also have a massive database of buyers and Realtors who we share every one of our properties with. It's a process that leads to incredible results.

10 steps to purchasing a property

A spacious dining room with an expansive table at its center

1. Download our sellers guide and educate yourself on the process

Just because your neighbours property sold for a certain amount doesn’t mean your will sell for the same.  Correctly preparing and pricing your property can make tens of thousands of dollars difference in your selling price. The more you know about what you are doing the better experience you will have. Download our selling guide above.

Modern kitchen and dining area in a loft with industrial accents

2. Choose the right Realtor

Your home is often the biggest asset that you own and so when it’s time to sell you want to make sure to maximize it’s value. The right Realtor is the one who is going to prepare your property to look its best, and then get your property in front of the highest number of qualified buyers. The days of the neighbourhood expert are no more and Realtors who use the internet as a tool to sell properties are becoming the leaders in the market. At Blue Elephant we offer the best of the old and the new which is why we are such an excellent choice when choosing to sell your property.

A modern house with a large backyard

3. Price your property correctly

Knowing what your property is worth is the first step in selling. At Blue Elephant Realty, we offer no strings attached property evaluations, whether you’re looking to sell right away or in the future.

A modern house with a spacious driveway and a well-lit front porch

4. Decide what parts of your property to invest in

It’s no secret what a fresh coat of paint can do for a property. Making calculated investments in specific areas of your property can be one of the best investments you make in your property. Landscaping, upgrades to your bathroom, kitchen etc. can all make significant impacts on your selling price.

a rustic dining room with a long wooden table and an eclectic mix of chairs

5. Declutter, declutter, declutter!!!

We all want our homes to look like they belong in a magazine, but the honest truth is that most of the time life gets in the way. When selling your property it is important to make the space feel as big and calm as possible. Decluttering is the cheapest and easiest way to increase the selling price of your property.

A modern kitchen with a stainless steel countertop

6. Stage your property

Some properties don’t need staging, but in some cases it can have a massive impact on the selling price. Staging can take on many forms from simple accents and accessories, to replace certain pieces of furniture all the way to staging the entire property. Staging isn’t cheap so it’s important to evaluate the impact that it can have in selling your specific property.

A modern kitchen with a sleek white marble countertop and white stools

7. Take photographs and virtual tour

In today’s market, the internet plays an incredibly important role in the selling process. If you don’t have good photos or an immersive virtual tour of your property you may not attract as many buyers as you can. Buyers of Toronto real estate come from all over the world so allowing them to walk through your property with an immersive tour is also important and has helped us sell properties to a number of foreign buyers.

A modern two-story house with a welcoming black garage door

8. List the property on MLS and start advertising

MLS is the most important place to list your property so that both buyers and Realtors are aware that it is for sale. However MLS is just one of many channels where you Realtor should be advertising your listing. Google, Facebook and a number of other online selling portals also play incredibly important roles in the advertising of your property. If your Realtor isn’t advertising on these channels you could be leaving multiple buyers and tens of thousands of dollars on the table.

A modern skyscraper reflecting the city skyline and clouds above

9. Start showing the property and holding open houses

Once the property goes “on the market” you want to get as many qualified buyers to come see it as possible. If you have priced it and advertised it properly you should start to see a number of showings. In addition to showings, open houses are an excellent way for people to come and see your property. Even an nosy neighbour can be an excellent referral for an interested buyer. The most attention your property receives the better chance it has of selling


10. Negotiate offers and sell for the highest price!

The ultimate goal is of course to sell your property. Offers can work in a couple of different ways.

If there is a large amount of interest in your property you may decide to hold an offer date. With an offer date you will list your property for sale and let all Realtors and buyers know that you will be accepting offers only on a specific date and time (typically a week after listing). In this scenario each buyer will present their offers and the seller can either accept one of the offers or tell the top 2 or 3 offers to resubmit with their best possible prices. After this second round, you can decide which offer to accept if any.

Our Results are Impressive

Top 1%







Rezvan S.

Rezvan S.

Steven is one of the best agents that I have worked with. He is very professional, always cares about his clients and provides outstanding customer service. In one word, he is awesome. I highly recommend him. Thank you Steven.
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Emmanuel G.

Emmanuel G.

I had an amazing experience working with Steve and will use him for years to come. I highly recommend him as an agent as he always prioritizes your needs. Very helpful and his market awareness is second to none. 10/10 Recommend.
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Ryan B.

Ryan B.

Steven is the best. Was extremely efficient with finding the best condos to suit our requirements. Quick to schedule and show them ensuring we got exactly what we wanted. Negotiated in our best interest to finalize well under o...
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Walter B.

Walter B.

Steven did an awesome job for us and got our condo sold quickly at a price we were very happy with. He looked after all the details and provide good advice. He knows what’s happening in the real estate market. I would definitel...
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Having built lasting relationships with satisfied clients, Steven understands that there is more to a transaction than negotiating the deal in your favour.

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